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  • Writer's pictureKen Bogedahl

Car Vent Switch Fix

Updated: Aug 8, 2020

It was getting close to that time of year where defogging the windshield was very important. It was around that time that I realized that when I switched the vent settings on my 2006 Nissan Sentra, that the airflow wasn't changing. It was stuck on the front vents from the summertime. So I started taking apart the dash to see what was happening.

After pulling off the molding and top vent assembly, I took out the radio and detached the console:

After taking off the console and getting to the back of the vent switch, I soon found the problem

The plastic housing for the cable bracket was broken. Luckily there was some room to try tying it down to hold the pull wire in place. A couple zip ties did the trick.

Just to be sure I didn't have to do this again anytime soon, I went ahead and reinforced the switch for the temperature while I was at it.

Putting it back together in reverse order, I started up the car for the test. This is what success sounds like (may need to turn up to hear the vent switching):


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