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  • Writer's pictureKen Bogedahl

My Wife's Project

A while ago my wife got fed up with how our kitchen table looked and decided to take it out to the front yard to refinish:

She had already removed the gnarly table skirt in the photo above which already made it 100% better in my opinion. She then stripped the finish off the table top and sanded down the whole surface that day, focusing on smoothing the edge where there were several bevels that were hard to clean:

She took white chalk paint and coated the table legs. I then helped glue the table down the middle, sanded this smooth and stained a walnut color. I put a few coats of polyurethane over the whole thing. Used brush-on for the top and spray on for the legs.

Result: Much better looking table for about $40! Will be a good table to have the kids around. Easier to use with booth seating as well:

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