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  • Writer's pictureKen Bogedahl

Nearly Fried Lawn

We have been having several back-to-back days in the triple digits. So of course it only makes sense that things start to turn brown and some changes in irrigation are needed. This time though, I discovered that the old irrigation controller (most likely the original for the house 20+ years old) had given up the ghost and I needed a replacement fast. I ended up picking this one up by Rain Bird:

It was pretty slick to get switched over to. while the old Lawn Genie had screws to loop the wires around and secure them, the Rain Bird had slots to push them in to make contact, which sped up the process.

Just a matter of some masking tape to label each wire, pull them off the old controller and connect them to this one, setting time and date, then setting the number of minutes for each zone and presto! Lawn Saved! I used the selector knob and the on-demand Water 1 Zone button at the bottom left to make sure all of the zones fired correctly, then immediately watered them all for a full cycle by switching the knob to Auto and using the Water All Zones button also at the bottom left. If you are looking for a new controller, this one is an easy and reasonably priced way to go.


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