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  • Writer's pictureKen Bogedahl

Nerf Wars

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Ever since our oldest could hold a Nerf gun, I have enjoyed epic battles with my kids. As they got older, I started creating different battle games that we have enjoyed. I have included one of the first below along with some suggestions. Take them how they are or create house rules to make the game to your liking. Above all, have fun!

Suggested Equipment (See Rules for Load outs):

Primary Weapons:

Secondary Weapons:

Auxiliary items:

Other accessories:

Nerf Wars


Nerf Wars is a live action shooting game in which two or more teams compete to achieve certain objectives first.


Several different objectives are possible depending on the type of game the group chooses to play:

Classic: Eliminate all opposing players. The number of re-spawns allowed per player or per team is determined before the game begins.

Area control: Be the first team to hold a certain area for a pre-designated amount of time after all opposing troops have been eliminated from the area or leave the area. The counter starts for the team when no opposing players are present in the area. It restarts if no team members are present in the area either by leaving the area or being eliminated. The team taking over or holding the area is responsible for resetting restarting the timer for their team and determining when time has been met.

Base defense: Each team has 1 or more objects to protect from getting knocked down or hit by the opposing team.

Espionage: Each team has a certain item that they keep in a designated spot of the arena. The first team to retrieve the opposing team’s intelligence item and return it to their deployment zone wins.

Set Up

The play area consists of deployment zones for each team and the arena. All barricades and door positions are determined before the game begins. Deployment zones should have an area protected from all opposing fire for re-spawn and to store supplies.

Player Class

Each player can select between 4 different classes before the game begins. Each player must make their class known to all players before the game begins and may not switch class mid game. Each team should typically have only one of each class unless more than 4 players are on each team. Both teams must agree to the class determinations of each team before the game begins to ensure a balanced game. Beginning load outs can then be determined for each player. The following is a description of each class and their load out options:

Heavy Assault: Usually armed with a high capacity semi-auto or full auto weapon. They have heavier armor and can take 3 hits before being eliminated.

Load outs:

1. Full auto or semi auto weapon with 18 rounds of ammo, rifle stock

2. Grenade launcher with 3 rounds, small pump action sidearm with 6 rounds of ammo

Light Assault: These soldiers specialize in close range combat and stay highly mobile. They can take 2 hits before being eliminated.

Load outs:

1. semi auto or pump action weapon with 18 rounds of ammo, 1 grenade, Extra Magazine

2. Dual wield Single shot/ pump action weapon with 6 rounds of ammo, 2 grenades

Support: The medical/defense member of the squad, they have the ability to revive players on the spot, pick up used ammo on the battlefield to supply team mates and carry shields. They can take 2 hits before elimination.

Load outs:

1. Single shot/ pump action weapon with 6 rounds of ammo, revive ability and ammo supply ability

2. Small single shot sidearm with 3 rounds of ammo, mobile shield

3. 1 grenade, revive ability and ammo supply ability

4. 1 grenade, mobile shield

5. Mobile shield, revive ability and ammo supply ability

Recon: This stealth class is armed with a sidearm or melee weapon only but has the ability to ignore hand grenades. When eliminated, they can walk around the room and communicate the location of up to 2 opposing team members in that room or visible from that room before heading back to re-spawn. They can take 2 hits before elimination.

Load outs:

1. Small pump action sidearm with 6 rounds of ammo, barrel extension

2. Melee weapon

Custom Classes: If all players agree to allow custom classes, the builds are determined as follows:

Each player is allowed up to 5 load-out points. Load-out point values are given in the tables below for each load-out item group:

Abilities (2 points each):

Ammo supply


Extra Armor

Ignore Hand Grenades


Primary Weapon (2 points each):

All magazine weapons, 18 ammo

Weapons holding 10 or more ammo, 18 ammo

Grenade Launcher

Secondary Weapon (1 point each):

Single shot/ pump action weapons holding up to 6 ammo, 6 ammo

Auxiliary Items (1 point each):

Hand Grenade

Mobile Shield

Extra Magazine with up to 10 rounds of ammo

Melee Weapon

Arena Rules

-No moving barricades closing/opening doors during combat.

-No forcefully taking other players weapons, or grabbing them.

-No picking up used ammo on the ground unless eliminated to get ammo for re-spawn or if you are support class. Used team grenades can only be picked up by eliminated players for re-spawn.

-Re-spawning players may only pick up ammo/team grenades in the immediate vicinity on the way back to their spawn room and may not communicate the location of any opposing team members until they are in the deployment zone. Recon players are exempt from the non-communication rule.

-Deployment Zones may not be accessed by opposing players. A team may deposit extra ammo/grenades/weapon mods in their deployment zone for use by their players for resupply according to their individual class load outs.

Weapon Rules

Ranged: For any weapon, each round that strikes any part of a player or their weapon is considered a hit. For grenade launchers, players hit directly are eliminated and players hit by the grenade after it bounces off any surface once, receive one hit.

Melee: All melee weapons are single hit elimination if the user hits the torso or head of the target player. If an appendage or their weapon is hit, it counts as one hit. Melee weapons may not be thrown.

Grenades: No hitting other players directly with a grenade is allowed. All players in site of the grenade are eliminated when the fuse expires. Opposing players may not pick up live grenades to throw them back. Used grenades may only be touched by eliminated players returning to the deployment zone for re-spawn. Team grenades are designated and may only be picked up by their team members in this manner.

Getting Eliminated, Being Revived and Re-spawning

When eliminated the player must vocally acknowledge that they are eliminated and return with their entire load out to their deployment zone unless they want to attempt to be revived. They may not vocalize the position of opposing players after they are eliminated until they are in their deployment zone or revived. When they have been at the deployment zone for at least 10 seconds they have re-spawned and are an active player again.

If a player is waiting to be revived by a support class team member, the player sits on the ground where they were eliminated and may not attempt to recover ammo. The eliminated player then has 10 seconds before they must return to the deployment zone without being revived. The eliminated player must vocalize this by counting to 10.

To revive an eliminated player, the support class team member clasps their shoulder and vocalizes reviving the player. They are then immediately active again with full health. Revives do not count as a re-spawn.


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